SMOM provides quality and much-needed services to community residents and strives to increase social and recreational opportunities among low-income, home-bound, and youth through the creation of a financially viable social enterprise that provides them basic survival tools and social skills.
Become a volunteer with SMOM, we need help with events, fundraisers, and renovating our building.
Donate to SMOM to help with our building renovations. All donations are tax-deductible.
Serve the local Houston community on the board of SMOM, or on one of our many committees.
Jeff P. Collins, Executive Vice President, Public Infrastructure of LJA Engineering, is a proud Royale Sponsor of the 2019 and 2020 Casino Night Fundraiser.
David Hamilton, Chief Executive Officer of Binkley & Barfield Consulting Engineers is a proud High Roller Sponsor of the 2019 and 2020 Casino Night Fundraiser.
Nicolas A. Medina, Public and Government Affairs Manager of ExxonMobil Pipeline Company is an honorary sponsor for 2021.
Comida Drive & Community Outreach Sponsor
Comida Drive & Community Outreach Sponsor
Elizabeth Robinson, CEO of Turningstones Media, contributes her web services and expertise to help the society further its mission with new media and marketing.
Join SMOM and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia
Sociedad Mutualista Obrera Mexicana (SMOM) new roof construction
Sociedad Mutualista Obrera Mexicana (SMOM) starts construction of
Join SMOM and Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia